Wednesday, October 21, 2009


The echidna is native animal in Australia,it is the world's only monotremes, or egg-laying mammals. It belongs to the tachyglossus aculeatus family.
Echidna is not very big .Adult echidna vary in size from 35 to 53 cm. The echidna Male weigh about 6 kilograms, while the echidna female weigh about 4.5 kilograms.As well as it has a long snout and many sharp spines.
Because echidna do not has teeth,so it use its sticky snout to eat termites and ants.
Echidna,live in the earth about 8000 years,althoug it clumsy .When frightened echidna will curl into ball, with its snout and legs tucked beneath it and sharp spines sticking out or use the spines ball's body to hit enemy.Its spines will grew very fast.It will wedge itself beneath rocks, or burrow straight down into soft soil, to escape to enemy .